You attest that this vegan recipe is your own creation or that you were inspired by someone else’s and fundamentally changed it to make it your own. The list of ingredients, instructions and details of the recipe cannot be copied verbatim from any print or online source. Favorite Vegan Recipes LLC is not responsible for copyright violations by your recipe submission.

You grant Favorite Vegan Recipes LLC exclusive rights and unrestricted use to publish your recipe with credit to you as its author (“Recipe submitted by [your name, year, location]”). Further, you agree that the recipe you are submitting is not currently and will not in the future be published elsewhere (online, newsletters, print publications, etc.)

If after preparation and taste-testing we modify your recipe to meet our requirements, we will attribute the recipe to you with “Adapted from recipe by [your name, year, location].”

Please note that there is no current or future compensation for submitting a recipe.

On behalf of the Vegan community, we thank you!